About me
I am Dailing Zhang (张岱凌), an incoming Ph.D. student at Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CASIA), supervised by Prof. Kaiqi Huang (IAPR Fellow). Additionally, I am a member of Visual Intelligence Interest Group (VIIG).
Obtained a Bachelor’s degree in Robotics Engineering in the School of Automation, Southeast University in 2023.
Currently, my research focuses on visual object tracking, with a particular emphasis on the visual-language tracking task and combined with cognitive science. If you are intrigued by my work or wish to collaborate, feel free to reach out to me.
🔥 News
- 2024.04: 📣 We will present our work (Global Instance Tracking) at TPAMI2023 during the VALSE2024 poster session (May 2024, Chongqing, China) and extend a warm invitation to colleagues interested in visual object/language tracking, evaluation methodologies, and human-computer interaction to engage in discussions with us (see our Poster for more information).
- 2024.03: 🏆 Obtain the first prize of Science and Innovation Scholarship from the Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences.
- 2023.09: 📝 One paper has been accepted by the 37th Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS, CCF-A Conference, Poster)!
- 2020.12: 🏆 Obtain China National Scholarship (国家奖学金) (the highest honor for undergraduates in China, awarded to top 1% students of SEU)!
🔬Research Interests
Visual Object Tracking
- Research on visual object tracking algorithms within diverse scenes, aims to enhance the understanding and performance of single object tracking in various scenarios.
- Research on the robustness and generalization aspects of single object tracking algorithms, investigates the algorithms’ ability to adapt across diverse scenarios, ensuring consistent and reliable performance.
Visual Turing Test
- Design of a human-machine universal visual ability evaluation framework with cognitive science.
- Benchmarking the performance of algorithms based on human abilities in perceptual, cognitive,, etc. Analyzing the bottlenecks of algorithms and human subjects in depth, providing guidance for research on human-like modeling, human-machine collaboration, and human-machine integration.
Visual Language Tracking
- Researching visual object tracking algorithms across diverse scenes to enhance single object tracking performance in various scenarios.
- Exploring the robustness and generalization aspects of single object tracking algorithms to ensure consistent and reliable performance across diverse scenarios.
📖 Educations

2019.09 - 2023.06, Undergraduate student
Robotics Engineering, Ranking 1/44 (2.27%)
School of Automation
Southeast University, Jiangsu
💻 Research Experiences
2022.11 - Present: Pursuing a Ph.D. degree at Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CASIA), conducting research on single-object tracking in Visual Intelligence Interest Group (VIIG), initiated and organized by Dr. Shiyu Hu.
📝 Publications
✅ Acceptance

A Multi-modal Global Instance Tracking Benchmark (MGIT): Better Locating Target in Complex Spatio-temporal and Causal Relationship
Shiyu Hu, Dailing Zhang, Meiqi Wu, Xiaokun Feng, Xuchen Li, Xin Zhao, Kaiqi Huang
NeurIPS 2023 (CCF-A Conference, Poster): the 37th Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems
🎖 Honors and Awards
- China National Scholarship (国家奖学金), at SEU, by Ministry of Education of China, 2020.
- National Second Prize, RoboCup Family Group-Open PlatForm in the university group of RoboCup World Cup China, 2021
- First Prize of Science and Innovation Scholarship, at CASIA, 2024
🤝 Collaborators
I am honored to collaborate with these outstanding researchers. We engage in close discussions concerning various fields such as computer vision, AI4Science, and human-computer interaction. If you are also interested in these areas, please feel free to contact me.
- Shiyu Hu, Ph.D. at the Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CASIA) and University of Chinese Academy of Sciences (UCAS), focusing on visual object tracking, visual language tracking, benchmark construction, intelligent evaluation technique, and AI4Science.
- Meiqi Wu, Ph.D. student at the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences (UCAS), focusing on computer vision, intelligent evaluation technique, and human-computer interaction.
- Yiping Ma, Ph.D. student at the East China Normal University (ECNU), focusing on intelligent education technique and human-computer interaction.
- Yaxuan Kang, design researcher, research assistant, and interaction designer at the Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CASIA), focusing on human-computer interaction.
- Jing Zhang, research assistant at the Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CASIA), focusing on computer vision and AI4Science.
- Xiaokun Feng, Ph.D. student at the Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CASIA), focusing on visual object tracking, visual language tracking, and AI4Science.
- Xuchen Li, incoming Ph.D. student at the Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CASIA), focusing on visual object tracking, visual language tracking, and AI4Science.
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